This is a sincere attempt to get out of a massive writer's block that has been stifling your humble friend for long. You might be gravely worried what compelled your friend to lay low and sing small; but whatever it was- the hatchet has been buried and phase two of the blog series has begun.
Life teaches you many things. I want to share with ya fellas some of the lessons it has taught me, or atleast what I was able to decipher in terms of simple laws--
1)--Hindsight is an exact science. Foresight is an art.
I want you to think about this for four minutes. Anything I add here to describe it will only serve to take away the charm from the above statement.
2.)--Genetics describes why you look like your father, and if you don't- why you should.
On a more serious note, it means that however hard you try to rub them off, some values that you inherit always stick to you. These values are to be cherished and should make you love yourself as a person. Take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud-I Love You- It should do a world of good.
3)--91.32 % of all statistics are useless
This is not saying that people majoring in statistics are a bunch of fools. The take-home message is that numbers can only help you float to a certain extent. Your thoughts and learnings are your real lifeboat. You can speak in terms of averages or medians, but stand true to yourself in the rat-race.
4) --Basic Law of Maths -- 2 is not equal to 3; even for large values of 2.
It seems contradictory when I just told you numbers are not everything--(they are still something :P) All people are not the same-- even when you try to force someone to be like some other--you just cannot.
5)---The specialist learns more and more about less and less until, finally, he knows everything about nothing; while the generalist learns less and less about more and more until, finally, he knows nothing about everything.
Where do u belong?? Its important to be at a sweet spot between a generalist and a specialist to enjoy life in full perspective
Now some light ones:
6)--You definitely run into someone when you least want yourself to be seen with someone
7)--The probability of a young man meeting a desirable and receptive young female increases exponentially when he is in the company of a) a date b) his wife c) a better looking and richer male friend
8)-- If there is a wrong way to do something, most people will do it every time.
9)-- If things seem under control, you are not going fast enough.
10)-- Law of thermodynamics-- Under excess pressure -the shit hits the fan and bad things happen
11) Too much social networking is injurious to the mind
(I have a friend who actually "said" LOL ! in response to a joke instead of laughing :| )
12) If you are unable to explain a particular thing to someone, just say -Its intuitively obvious :P
If you cannot convince , confuse them