*In a classic case of racism against Indians, Pakistanis and Brazillians ; the company (the summer work company) has banned Orkut- I get a stupid message saying--"You are not authorized to visit potentially harmful sites from our secure server. Your attempt has been recorded and forwarded to the concerned department" So, I ask the question-Why are they not taking the same action against Facebook- the productivity will dramatically increase then! why target a dying social networking site used only by people in a handful of countries?
Btw- orkut I think is seeing the beginning of the end.. Many beautiful girls are starting to delete their profiles (as guys that complimented their pics and other things every day are busy taking facebook quizzes or updating twitter) This will trigger a chain of events, in which only guys will remain there, and all of them will be so frustrated that the system can collapse any time
In other news,
* Michael Jackson is STILL dead. People are paying tributes daily. The police in Gary, Indiana and Santa Barbara, California (Neverland Ranch is there, and as an amazing unforeseen coincidence, my university is there too ) are not too happy. They have to work much harder now to control people. The overtime days are back again. Michael Jackson , in his death has given people new hope though. They are buying $ 1000 cds. I heard people justify this by saying that only if you spend-the world will be out of recession. So, I guess MJ is doing what Obama couldn't--fixing the economy. However, doctors have warned that other envious artists might get suicidal sensing immortal fame, and have appealed to the government to take immediate action.
Personally, too much of MJ coverage is playing on my mind. I keep hearing voices like " AAAAeeoooowwww" in my sleep. I remember when I was small , elders scaring me with "Soja byaaeetaa warna Gabbar Aa jaayegaa" nowadays they replace Gabbar with MJ for threatening kids to sleep. Unfortunately, they will have to find someone else now as his successor. He has penetrated all walks of life. I saw people playing baseball with just one shiny glove- you see the respect he still commands. They had july 4 fireworks with letters MJ everywhere and now they will have labor day tribute too. People auditioning for news reporting are also updating their resumes to include 'expert on life of Michael Jackson' . They are planning to write down 2009 as the year of Michael Jackson. Chinese people are not very happy. They are ruing the lost opportunity of building Michael Jackson toys in time.
It has given people like me who don't watch American football or baseball and don't know much about 1000s of types of alcohols a very important topic of interest to converse with people. It helps me to carry on a conversation for more than a minute. The more you know about MJ, the more people get impressed with you.
* The company (yea the same pharma summer company.. ) has found a cream for itchy fingers...They are contemplating naming it Twitter, for obvious reasons! Applying this cream 20 times a day gave esoteric and mysterious satisfaction to the patients in clinical trials, they said.
orkut is already loosing its identity..with most of the stuff borrowed from facebook...in sometime all the orkut users (read guys) would switch to fb bcoz they can stalk firang (amru) babes on fb..which is not an option on kutkut :)
"Michael Jackson is STILL dead."
"In other news"
You know i love sarcasm! This post is one of your best so far. laughed out loud. :)
I liked the para about the death of orkut too. ur reasons were funny (wrong), but im hoping they shut the bloody site down anyway!
Nice play with words. really.
michal jackson is still dead.
how true n i thought only i saw the stupidity of it all. i was a big fan as well...but its funny how people never cared about him when he was alive n so many more mj fans surfaced only aftr his death. the media is to be blamed for the exaggeration of it all. i dunno. i never really understood the american obsession wid hollywood n celebrities anyway.
PS- i like orkut :( facebook is too compliacted !!!
varry nice! I laaaik
You are funny
If Orkut is harmful, then facebook is worse in terms of security because if you look out for phishing pages, you would find more of facebook. By saying that they also mean to say that one of the service provided by Google is potentially harmful.
The ads on FB are intrusive and they even use your friends pictures without permission.
Although its a fact that unless Orkut does something really soon, it would lose eventually and die.
Thanks guys...
And I like orkut too...I can remember hw excited I was abt every scrap I got and number of profile visits, and testimonial was a big gift too. :)
Hope the google guys do something and use their innovative minds they r so reputed for
Hey zubin, you write so good. I didn't know your blog till now.
Keep up the good work.
"Orkut zindabad" - man ! its too easy and flexible compared to other glossy sites ( or may be thats just my opinion ? )
yeah , well you have to endeavour the " aweeeeeeooo" for many nights /fortnights ... :D
Let us shout " MJ IS ALIVE" in order to save candles and reduce E-traffic :P
Do i need to mention it was a nice post ? ;-)
u have a kick ass blog running dude...read 3-4 post...all very good and funny.. :D
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