Monday, December 31, 2007

What a Year!

Wow! What a year 2007 has been! It has given me plenty in terms of experience. A super year academics wise,,,got the university I desired, final year project went off super well,, good results of final year, research project seems exciting! yay! good going that front!
Emotionally , a roller-coaster fact made me mature quite a bit. Thrill, Joy, Frustration, Dilemma, Loneliness, Anger, Disbelief..I saw it all this year.. Separation from close ones, times when your heart bleeds but you cant cry.. Times when you get stuck,, Head vs heart battle... gaining control of your mind, not yielding to temptations
Shallow relationships,.. mad bad REAL world... Strengthening of Character..
Phew...above may not make much sense...but you construct the phrases grammatically and it should!
I pray and I pray sincerely for a lucky 2008! (O Lady Luck plz dnt desert me !)

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