Sunday, January 27, 2008

TNT for my brain.

You make all my efforts go in vain
I feel bound though there is no chain
This is some kind of different pain
You are, I guess, TNT for my Brain.

I see that you know your game well
You make emotions and passions swell
Like a charm you make me follow you
The flashes of you are like some permanent glue

My mind no longer serene and tranquil
Now you seem to be ready for the kill.
My heart is brittle and my mind naive
So I'm an easy target as you would crave.

I maybe a novice in this game,but
I have the knack of learning quick,
I got few aces up my sleeve.
So you gotta deal with my restraining trick.

I won't let you invade my domain,
I won't let make my focus drain,
I'll fight and I will refrain,
I won't let you be TNT for my brain.

(P.S For the uninitiated, TNT= trinitrotoluene, most dangerous explosive)


dreamer said...

Who is this trinitrotoluene?
Is it someone beautiful and serene?
who is ready for the kill?
Buck up! improve your skill :P

viraj said...

nice poem, Zubin...and ya, like dreamer says, let us know abt this TNT asap...:D