Saturday, January 19, 2008

Useful Gyaan!

Finally thought of something interesting to blog on ! Relationships! Men and Women!
How to always keep your Girlfriend/Wife happy! Mystery that no man has ever solved!

Simple must-know must-follow rules for men!

1)Always praise what she cooks! Cooking to women is like sex to men. Even if they miserably suck at it - they never want to know that piece of info! :P

On top of it, mark your face., keep it pleasant while you are eating, even if the food is uneatable, never make a yucky face! Thou shalt be doomed then! Never give excuses of overeating/stomach upset even if you actually have one. These are taken to be that the food is bad and she will lose her temper that you can't even point it out to her! But no! never say the food is BAD! use your presence of mind to bail out of the situation! "Darling, I like the way you do things YOUR way! the salt in gulab jamun gives it a totally different taste (and no tension of diabetes too) and don't let her catch any hint of sarcasm in it!

2) Never praise someone else's girlfriend/wife. "Wasn't Sheena looking gorgeous in that red top?"
---"You bloody (^*&something blog is read by under 21 too :P), I always knew you had an eye on her! Why don't you be with her only then?"

So even if she pops the question, " wasn;t she looking gorgeous?" , best answer is ,"Really?(With just the right amount of surprise and innocence..overacting can screw your case), didnt really notice..Good for her and Rahul (her BF)"

If you are committed, you are like a horse with a blinder! Looking left and right is strictly not allowed!

3)V Imp Rule : Never, Never Under any circumstances give any indication to her that she is getting fatter. Even if the car has no space for you to sit inside, its never her fault. If she asks you the question, show concern and answer, "Oh my God, what made you think that?"

Some other indications of trouble in the kingdom!

Imp word:FINE;;
Never use this word to describe how she looks. This word is always used to end an argument and has to be used by her only at the end..

Imp Signal/Gesture:
Loud Sigh:
She thinks wtf she is doing with a complete jackass like you

Soft Sigh:
This is the most mis-understood ones because it is so rare in occurrence: This means, SOMEHOW she is content at the moment..the conditions are ideal and you should not say a word, or even breathe to displace the dynamics of the moment.

So, the conclusion to be drawn is :
!) She is always right!
2)You are always sorry!

(*For people wondering where I get this Gyan from, ...Keep Wondering! )


Sunaina said...

This made me crack up
Sadly, it is fairly true. sadly.

ZK said...

Much more sadly for men!
Thats y they have songs like "Pyar karke pachtaya"